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Terms & Conditions

CivicCentre Terms & Conditions

Please read very carefully these terms and conditions before submitting the admission form to CivicCentre Coaching Academy LLP. Submission of online/ physical form for admission to various courses conducted by CivicCentre Coaching Academy indicates that you accept these terms and conditions. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, please do not admit yourself. Further, these terms and conditions apply to all courses provided by CivicCentre Coaching Academy LLP.

1. This AGREEMENT made at Hyderabad between CivicCentre Coaching Academy LLP, a Limited Liability Partnership(‘LLP’) registered under the Indian Companies Act, 2013 and having its registered office at 1-10-237, RK Kachams Blue Sapphire, Kavadiguda Main Road, Ashok Nagar Extension, Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500020 (hereinafter referred as ‘the Institute’ which expression shall include its successors or permitted, assigns where the context so admits) of the one part, AND the candidate registered with CivicCentre Coaching Academy to undertake CivilServices Examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (‘UPSC’)or any other competitive examinations in its classroom/ online courses(hereinafter referred to as ‘the Student’). The Institute and the Student are hereinafter individually be referred to as ‘Party’ and collectively referred to as ‘Parties’..
2.  The Institute is engaged interalia in the work of providing classroom/ online courses/ short-term courses including test series in various subjects pertaining to the Competitive Examinations and other value-added services in relation to its core functions.
3.  The purpose of this Agreement is to memorialize such assurances and to set forth the rights and obligations of the Parties to the Agreement.
4. The following terminologies apply to these terms and conditions:
a. ‘Confidential Information means is inormation provided by one party to the other in written ,graphic ,recorded machine-readable or other forms, including, without limitation, the courses materials, but does not include information in the public domain other than through the default of the party disclosing the information, information required to be disclosed by any court or regulatory authority, or
any information already in the possession or control of the disclosing party.
b. ‘Course’ means the delivery by us of any course pursuant to which the Student learns, course materials remotely, live online, or in a classroom setting.
c. ‘Course/ Study Material’ means the information provided by the Institute to accompany a course and that is provided as part of the services in hard copy or electronic form, including books, handouts, PowerPoint presentations, recorded webinars, etc.
d. ‘Fees’ means the fee paid by the Student to the Institute for the Services. This shall include the ‘registration fee’ and the ‘course fee’ or any other fee of like nature.
e. ‘Intellectual Property Rights means copyright, rights in or relating to databases, patent rights, performers rights, designs and registered designs, trademarks, rights in or relating to confidential information and other intellectual property rights (registered or unregistered) throughout the world.
f.  ‘LLP’, ‘Institute’, ‘Ourselves’, ‘We’, and ‘Us’, means CivicCentre Coaching Academy LLP.
g. ‘Party’, ‘Parties’ or ‘Us’, means both the Student and the Institute or either the Student or the Institute
h. ‘Services’ means the provision of the Course or the Course Material together with such other services as agreed to from time to time and purchased by the Student through the Website or by telephone or in person.
i.  ‘Student’, ‘User’, ‘You’ and ‘You mean the person accepting CivicCentre Coaching Academy LLP’s terms and conditions.
5. The Services:
a. A description of the Services together with the dates on which the Services will begin, fee structure etc. is available on our website/ prospectus. Further, the course syllabus is divided into various units such that Services together is planned to be completed within a specific time frame.
b. However, the Institute reserves the full right to change, amend, add to, alter, vary, modify, withdraw, and/or delete the same at any stage of the course as it may deem proper and the Student shall not have any claim, grievance, and demand in this regard. The Institute also reserves the full right to change/ cancel/withdraw any program, eligibility criterion, the course teacher, etc. without any prior notice.
b. However , the Institute reserves the full right to change, amend, add to, alter, vary, modify, withdraw, and/or delete the same at any stage of th course as it may deem proper and the Student shall not have any claim, grievance, and demand in this regard. The Institute also reserves the full right to change/ cancel/withdraw any program, eligibility criterion, the course teacher, etc. without any prior notice.
c. Furthermore, the Institute also reserves its right to make any alteration in its programs/ venue/ timing/duration and days of classes without any prior notice to anybody or without assigning any reason whatsoever to the student.
d.  In relation to the online courses/ classes the technical aspect of course delivery at the student end such as a compatible system, internet speed, etc. shall be the sole responsibility of the student himself/ herself.
e  Further, the students are strictly prohibited from sharing the log-in IDs of the online course(s)/ class(es), any violation of the same shall be viewed seriously and shall result in termination of service by the Institute to the said student.
    (i) Needless to say, that the student shall be present throughout the delivery of online classes and maintain proper discipline, any conduct of indiscipline shall be taken seriously and shall invite appropriate action as per the present Agreement.
(ii) Moreover ,the Institute shall not be responsible for the sense of fulfillment experience of a student in relation to online mode of delivery of course(s)/ class (es).
f. In case a Student desires to seek a refund or transfer from one course of the institute to another, then he/she shall have to make an application and  state reasons for the request. The Institute reserves the full right in respect of any request made in relation of refund or transfer from onecourse off the Institute to another.
(i)  No refund requests shall be entertained as per the policy of the organization
(ii) Further, a transfer is subject to the availability of seats and the difference in the course fee, which upn transfer, shall be paid by the student additionally.
(iii) Furthermore, if any student applies for transfer to a course having higher fee than the course which he/she is currently studying, then he/ she shall have to pay the difference in fee between the two courses.
(iv) Whereas,if a student after paying fee applies for transfer to some other course with a lower fee than the currently studying course, he/ she will not be refunded/paid the difference in amount of fee between the two centers.
g. Similarly, any request by the student for shifting of the batch, the session shall lie at the sole discretion of the Institute based on the availability of seating them etc .
 (i)  The Institute also enjoys the sole discretion to decide on merits any request made by the Student for attending the classes at next session on the ground that he/ she was not ableto attend the classes in the previous session, in which he/she was enrolled for reason stated in the application/ request of the Student.
h. We expect you to confirm that the Services you are purchasing will meet your needs.  
(i) The institute will make full endeavors to guide students, provide the services with reasonable care and skill.
(ii) The Institute also aims at enhancing the academic performance of a student.              
(ii) It is essential that the student works hard regularly and displays continuing, participative interest and involvement during the classes/Courses.
(iv) However, the Institute is not responsible in any way for ensuring job/ placement of any nature whatsoever. (v)   The Institute also does not make any guarantee to the Student that you will obtain a particular result or employment opportunity from your purchase and completion of any of the Services at the Institute. Students would be accountable for their own success.
i. It is also clarified that the services offered by the Institute to the Student does not include any responsibility to suggest/ recommend any residential premise for purpose of habitation during the course of Student’s stay in and around the Institute.
j.Though, the Institute shall make full endeavor to help by all means specially-abled Students, but due to various constraints, the Institute may not be able to provide service/help across all categories of specially-abled Students. (i) Thus, in spite of taking earnest efforts, the Institute shall not be liable for any deficiency of the service on this count.
6. Purchasing services/ordering services:
a. When you place an order for a service you are offering to purchase the services on these terms and conditions.  The Institute reserves the right to cancel or decline your order or any part of your order at any time until it has been confirmed.
7.  A legally binding agreement between the Institute and the Student shall come into existence when we have:
the payment
a. accepted your offer to purchase services from us by payment of the prescribed fee; and/ or issue a receipt for the payment of the relevant fees from you.
b. Where your order consists of multiple courses, each individual course will be treated by us as a separate offer to purchase.  
c. Acceptance of your offer to buy one or more courses will not be accepted by us of your offer to purchase any other courses which make up your order.
d. Further, it is for the student himself/ herself to see whether he/ she is eligible for a certain examination or not.
 (i)  The Institute does not hold itself responsible if a student’s form cannot be forwarded or is rejected by the examining body on any ground whatsoever.               
 (ii) The Institute is also not responsible for booking any examination with any professional body or examination board/ UPSC.
(iii)  It is your responsibility to ensure that you apply prior to the relevant closing date to any exam that you wish to take, which may or may not be associated with the subject matter of the services provided to you by the Institute.
8. Fees:
a. The Registration fee and course fee for the Services shall be as set out on the Institute’s website/prospectus/ fee schedule.                  
(i)  The other terms and conditions in relation to the payment of fee are specifically set forth in the website/prospectus under the head ‘General Information’. In addition to the same, the other terms and conditions in relation to payment of fee are mentioned herein below.  
b.If at any point of time, the Government increases Goods and Services Tax (‘GST’), the extra amount of GST will be borne by the student from the date of enforcement of the act by the Government.
c. All fees shall be exclusive of any amounts payable to any professional body for registration and examination entry.  These are payable by you directly to the relevant professional body or examination board/ UPSC/APPSC/TSPSC and we accept no responsibility or liability for your failure to book your exam with the relevant professional body or examination.
d. Course fee must be paid in full prior to you attending any or accessing any course at the Institute. Any fee charged by your debit or credit card provider in connection with your purchase of Services is/are for your own account and the Institute shall not be responsible for these.
e. The Student shall be responsible for all costs that he/ she may incur in connection with your attendance or your access to any course.
f. Further, in case of any disputes regarding fee payments, the Institute reserves the right to take appropriate action on the merits of the case.
g.  Refund of fee:
  (i) Registration Fee is non-refundable/ non-adjustable under any circumstances whatsoever. Short-term online/classroom course fee/test series fee is non-refundable/ non-adjustable under any circumstances whatsoever. Short-term online/classroom courses means short courses less than 100 classes.
  (ii) If any student pays the course fee for any course other than short-term online/classroom courses/ test series and wants to withdraw/ask for refund before the commencement of classes/ course in the Institute, the entire course fee paid will be refunded. However, the registration fee will not be refunded.              
(iii) If a Student of any course other than short-term online/classroom courses/ test series, leaves the classes/ Institute within 10 days from the date of commencement of the classes/ course in the Institute due to what ever reason, the entire tuition fee, paid will be refunded. However, the registration fee will not be refunded.           
 (iv) If a student of any course other than short-term online/classroom courses/ test series, leaves the classes/institute within 14 days from the date of commencement of the classes/course in the institute due to what ever reason, 75% of the course fee paid will be refunded. However, the registration fee will not be refunded.             
 (v)  Further, if any student of any course other than short-term online/classroom courses/ test series leaves the classes/institute after 14 days from the date of commencement of the classes/ course in theInstitute due to whatsoever reason, then no refund of fee paid and encashed will be made under any circumstances. The registration fee also will not be refunded.              
(vi)  Furthermore, for the purpose of calculation of refund the date of commencement of the batch will be considered and not the date of joining of any student in the Institute. Parents must insist for receipt of refund application from the front office.            
(vii)  The date of submission of the refund application will be considered and not by the number of classes attended by the student nor from the date, the student stopped attending the classes in the Institute.         
(viii) The Student understands that the conduct of the Classes or Test Series is subject to UPSC/APPSC/TSPSC policies and regulations. CivicCentre Coaching Academy is a coaching Institute, to impart necessary training to take part in the examinations conducted by the UPSC/APPSC/TSPSC. Its services are independent of the UPSC/APPSC/TSPSC’s examination policies. In case of any UPSC/APPSC/TSPSC decision to cancel/ alter exams/ pattern of the exams, the student understands that he/ she not be eligible for any refund of the fee paid.
h. All refunds shall be paid through cheques or online transfers only in the name and to the account of the student within a reasonable time from the date of receipt of an application for withdrawal of admission by the appropriate branch/ centre. The Institute shall not be held responsible and/or accountable for crediting refund money to wrong account due to incorrect details furnished by the student/parent/guardian.
i. The applicant expressly Institute shall agree that a request for refund shall be made to the Institute at the first instance which shall in turn act on such request subject to the conditions set forth herein. In any circumstance, the applicant expressly agrees that he/she shall not apply and/or initiate a ‘chargeback’ with their respective bank to the prejudice of the Institute and shall raise any/all issue (s) regarding refund with the Institute alone.
9. General regulations/guidelines:
a. The Student at time of registration and admission agrees to provide authentic and true information and should not withhold any material information that would affect his/ her application/ selection in the course.                  
(i)  Should anyinformation bet, the Student understands that the Institute reservesthe rightt too terminate thee services without any refund of his/ her fees and the Institute will notbee able to compensate in any way
b. Students will be issued a with Identity card (‘I-card’) upon registration/ payment of fee. A Student shall carry the I-card upon his person at all time during Classes and test series and produce it upon request. His/ her entry into the classes/ Institute will beonly subject to the possession of the valid I-card. If the I-card of a student is lost/ misplaced, a duplicate I-card can be requested from the Institute against payment of appropriate fee. 
c. It is further clearly stated found incorrect that registration/ admission to a course is not transferable to any other individual/entity. If any, Student is found misusing the I-card, he/she will be rusticated from the Institute. The decision of the Institute in this regard will be final and binding on the Student and parents. Further, the student enrolled in a program (s) hereby give a consent to be captured by CCTV, while being in the Institute’s premises and the same shall not invite any claim of privacy infringement.
d.The Student should not involve in damaging or defacing the Institute’s property, equipment and facilities available at the Institute. Further, a Student should not use abusive, derogatory slogans, in timidating language against the Nation-India/Institute/teachers/ staff both inside and outside the Institute. Eatables or/ and any type of drinking items are strictly prohibited inside the classrooms.
e. CivicCentre Coaching Academy’sclasses are conducted in and around the main office building, not necessarily in the main building and classroom venue is also subject to changes, while the course is in progress.
f.  Further, the seating arrangement in the classes is available on first come first serve basis and no reservationof seats in the classes is permitted in any manner whatsoever. 
g. Students are advised not to carry any valuables to the Institute and the management is not responsible for any loss or damage of the same. The Institute is also not responsible for any loss/ theft of mobile phone /gadgets or any other personal belongings of the Student. A Student if carries mobile phone to the classes, then it should be switched off for the duration of the class. Staff members of the Institute are powered to withhold/ confiscate the mobile phone in the interest of other students
h. The Student is also expected to keep the utmost level of discipline/ decorum, while he/ she is in the Institute’s premises. A student/ parent/ guardian should not involve him/herself in disruption/ disturbance of teaching, administrative work and curricular activity, including any attempt to prevent any staff member of the Institute from carrying on his/ her work and any act reasonably likely to cause such disruption. This would result in termination of service by the Institute to the student without any compensation in fee paid.
i. In case, if the teacher feels that the Student is creating indiscipline, bullying, misbehaving with other students or teachers or staff in and outside the premise of the Institute or posting/spreading wrong and misinformation/ communication over social media and messaging platforms, then he/ she may be expelled from the Institute. The decision of the Institute will be final and binding on the Student and parents/guardian and no claim of refund of such Student or retain such Student will be entertained.
j. The Student may also be provided access to certain services made available through the Institute’s websites and  The terms of use of the website as published therein are applicable to all users. The applicant is required to strictly adhere to the terms of use. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Student hereby agrees that the user ID and password issued by the Institute for the purpose of accessing restricted areas or other content or services of the websites mentioned as above, shall be kept confidential. The Student alone shall be responsible for the password and user ID. security.
k. You are not permitted any of the following: any other person sharing your account and password; any part of the website being cached in proxy servers and accessed by individuals who have not registered with www.civiccentre.inor as users of the website; or access through a single account and password being made available to multiple users on a network.
l. You further grant right to the Institute to retain your information of such period of time as may be prescribed under the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000, and the rules framed there under.
m. If the Institute reasonably believes that an account and Password is being used/misused in any manner, we shall reserve the right to cancel access rights immediately without notice, and block access to all users from that IP address.
n. You are entirely responsible for any and all activities that occur under your account. You agree to notify the institute immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security. The Institute will not be liable for any loss that you may incur antains a result of someone else using your password or account or your failure to protect your password or account information. However, you could be held liable for losses incurred by the Institute or another party due to someone else using your account or password.
o. Video and/or audio recording of classroom coaching is strictly prohibited. The Institute reserves its rights to take appropriate action in accordance with the law against any Student found recording (audio and/or video) classroom coaching.
p. Students are expected to maintain appropriate discretion while publically commenting upon the services offered by the Institute. Any wrongful or malicious spreading of misinformation about the Institute shall be viewed seriously and the Institute reserves its right to initiate appropriate action in accordance with law against any person found to indulge in such activity.
q.  When a Student seeks admission to the institute, it is assumed by the Institute that he/ she has an earnest purpose. He/ she is expected to aim at the highest achievement in every sphere and to conduct him/herself in a responsible and dignified manner wherever he/she may be. However, the Institute shall not be responsible in any way for the conduct of the student outside the premises of the Institute.
r. The Institute may levy a suitable penalty or fine on a student including cancellation of registration/admission for violation of general regulations/ guidelines.
10. Course/ study materials:
a.  It is clarified that the Institute reserves the full right in respect of decision as to provide soft/hard copies of the study material. Thus, any request from the Student as to provide hard copy/ soft copy of the any study material shall lie at the sole discretion of the Institute.
b.  The Student understands that the Institute owns commercial intellectual property rights to all study materials produced, developed and made available to the students during the course of the program. The study material has been prepared, maintained, updated and distributed by us. Further, the Student’s use of the Institute’s study material/ content/ products/ services is solely for his/ her personal and non-commercial use only. Any use of the Institute’s study material/ content/products/ services other than for personal purposes is prohibited.
c.  The Student also understands that all study material of the Institute including, but not limited to; books, PowerPoint presentations, recorded webinars, handouts etc., made available to the student are intended to prepare oneself for the concerned exam only. The student also understands that he/ she is not authorized to share these study materials with others outside the Institute, nor he/ she is authorized to use the study materials to train others for own purposes.
d. Further, the Student have no entitlement to provide, sell or loan any material, assets, workbooks, notes, etc. provided to him/ her, to a third party. If any Student found to be sharing/ selling/ loaning the aforementioned things or the ID and password with third person then his/ her classes or user account will be blocked.
e. Further, the use of the course material is restricted to the registered Student who has been supplied with the log in detail during registration as part of an authorized course. The registered Student shall not copy, share, modify, transmit, distribute, or in any way, exploit the copyrighted materials provided by the Institute other than for their own individual purpose. Use for any other purpose is expressly prohibited by law/ rules and any violators will be dealt with appropriately as per the due course of law. The registered Student shall also not permit anyone else to copy, use, modify, transmit, distribute, or in any way, exploit the copyrighted materials.
f. The materials made available by the Institute are provided ‘as is’ without warranties of any kind, either expressed, or implied, including, but not limited to, all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, or non-infringement.
g. The Institute does not warrant that the materials will be error-free including technical inaccuracies, nor free of viruses or other harmful matter. It is the responsibility of the students to have necessary technical precautions including antivirus and other damages emanating from such unforeseen incidents. The Institute may make improvements, or changes, to this material at any time without prior notification.
h. All other copyrights, trademarks, service marks and trade names in this material are the marks of the respective owners, and any unauthorized use is prohibited.
11. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.
a. Intellectual Property:                 
(i)  All Intellectual property rights in the course materials/ online courses and the speeches made by teacher are and remain, the intellectual property of the Institute whether, written for or customized for the Student or not.
b. You are not authorized to:                
 (i)  copy, modify, reproduce,republish, sublicense, sell, upload, broadcast, post, transmit or distribute any of the course materials without prior written permission;              
 (ii)  recording videos/audio tape or uploading of videos/ audios on the internet or relay by videophone or other means either online or offline course given;             er adapted
 (iii)  use the course materials in the provision of any other course whether given by us or any third party;             
 (iv)  remove any copyright or other notice of the Institute on the course materials;              
 (v)   modify, adapt, merge, translate, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer (save to the extent permitted by law) any software forming part of the online study material/courses.
c. Breach by you of the clause 11(b) shall allow us to immediately terminate these terms and conditions with you and cease to provide you with any services.
12.  In consideration of the fees paid by you, we grant to you an unlimited, but non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the course materials and the downloadable resources, tools and exercises in respect of the course for the sole purpose of completing the course and to use in coaching sessions.
13. Confidentiality/ privacy and Data Protection:
a. The Institute also clarifies that the nature of the services provided by us means that we will obtain, use disclose (together ‘use’) certain information about you (‘data’). This statement sets out the principles governing our use of data. By purchasing the service, you agree to this use.
b. When you register with us you need to provide certain data such as your contact details and demographic information. We will store this data and use it to contact you, provide you with details of the services you have purchased and otherwise as required during the normal provision of the course.
c. To enable us to monitor and improve our Services, we gather certain aggregated information about you, including details of your operating system, browser version, domain name and IP address, the URL you came from and go to and the parts of the website you visited.
d. We use information such as your user ID, session identifiers, and password to enable us to identify whether you are using our services, assist with the provision of services and to ensure that you have access to relevant products. We will only read cookies from your cookie file placed there through your web browser’s interaction with the website.
e. Our products may link to third-party websites and we are not responsible for their data policies or procedures or their content.
f. The Institute endeavors to take will all reasonable steps to protect your personal data including the use of encryption technology, but cannot guarantee th security of any data you disclose. You accept the inherent security implications of being and transacting online over the internet and will not hold us responsible for any breach of security.
g. Further, the Student also understands that in all cases, utmost care will be taken by the Institute to protect his/ her confidentiality. However, the Student provides the Institute the right to use the data and details for legal purposes and no privacy shall be considered in such case. Further, the Institute shall not be restricted and liable for divulging any information as legally required by the  law enforcement agencies.
h. The Student also understands that participation in any of course may involve audio and/ or video recording for promotional, broadcast, or sales purposes. By participating in any of the Institute’s study programs or other activities, the Student consents to recording and release, publication, or reproduction of said recordings. The Student releases the Institute and its officers, employees, and independent contractors from any liability associated with such recording, use and release of this material. The Student also waives all rights to the material and waive any claims for payment in relation to said materials.
i.  Further, the Institute also reservs the right to use the single/ group photograph(s) for publicity in all kinds of media, in case the student(s) secures a position/ rank or succeeds in UPSC Civil Services Exams.
14. Liability:
a.  Although the Institute aims to provide the services to the highest standards of the industry, neither it , nor its office bearers/ teachers/ staff/ employee accept any liability for:                 
(i)  any inaccuracy or misleading information provided in the course or course materials and any reliance by the Student on any such information;              
(ii)  any direct, indirect, incidental, special consequential or exemplary damages, which may be incurred by the Student, however, caused and under any theory of liability. This shall include, but not be limited to, any profit, revenue, personal injury, loss of goodwill, emotional distress, other intangible loss or corruption of data;              
(iii)  for any untoward and unfortunate incident in the form of extreme steps taken on part of the Student , including suicide;              
(iv)  the Student understands that he/she shall be responsible for his/ her own actions and assume all responsibility for any action taken in relation to the coaching session as well as all outcomes and results;              
(v)  the Institute shall not be liable for divulging any information as legally required by the law enforcement agencies; and             
(vi) any indirect, special or consequential loss arising from any breach of the terms of this Agreement.
b. Some jurisdictions/ states
enforcement agencies include limit of liability clauses as mentioned supra. In the event damages are assessed, the limit of liability for the Institute and its office bearers/teachers/ staff/ employees shall not exceed the total amount of this contract. i.e. the documented amount of fee paid. Thus, the Institute’s total liability arising from or in connection with these terms and conditions and in relation to anything which we may have done or not done in connection with these terms and conditions and the delivery of the Service (and whether the liability arises because of breach of contract, negligence or for any other reason) shall be limited to the fees received by us in connection with the relevant course in relation to which a dispute has arisen.
c. Except to the extent that they are expressly set out in these terms and conditions, no conditions, warranties or other terms shall apply to the Services. No implied conditions, warranties or other terms apply (including any implied terms as to the satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose or conformance with description).d.      No claim may be brought more than six months after the last date on which the Services concerned have finished or ceased to be provided by us.
15. Force Majeure:
a. The Institute shall not be liable to you for any breach of its obligations or termination under these terms and conditions arising from causes beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to epidemics, pandemics, fires, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, and other Acts of God, terrorism, strikes, delay caused by transport disputes, failure to provide a course caused by a death, illness of the teacher, Government edict/ regulation, etc.
b. Further, the present course is being offered by the Institute on the basis of the present conditions. However, in case of any change in situations due to closure or disruption of the activities of the Institute or the conducting of course of the Institute caused by any industrial action, Government action, fire, flood, riot, natural calamity, change of law and regulation, terrorist activity or for any other reason whatsoever beyond or not in the control of the Institute, which disentitle the Institute from offering the said course, no amount of fee will be refundable, nor will the Institute or the personnel of the Institute be liable to pay, in any way, any compensation to the Student.
which disentitle
c. Further, if any type of mishap occurs in the premises of the Institute because of situations beyond control or any natural calamity of any type such as earthquake, floods, fire, electric short circuit etc., the Institute shall not be held liable in any manner whatsoever.
16. Termination:
a. We shall be entitled to terminate these terms and conditions and cease to provide you with any services with immediate effect in the event that you:                 
(i) fail to pay when your fees a reduced;               
(ii) act in an aggressive, bullying , offensive, threatening or harassing manner towards any office bearer, an employee of the Institute, any teacher or lecturer who provides the courses or any student who attends any course;             
(iii) cheat or plagiarise any work which you are required to prepare or submit in connection with the services or during any examination taken in connection with the services;             
(iv) steal or act in a fraudulent or deceitful manner towards us or our employees or any other student who may be on our premises or attending our courses;               
(v) intentionally or recklessly damage our property or the property of our employees or other students attending in our premises;             
(vi) are intoxicated through alcohol or illegal drugs while on our premises;            
(vii) commit any criminal offense on our premises or where the victim is our employee or student;         
(viii) are in breach of these terms and conditions .
b. On termination, clauses mentioned in the intellectual property rights section and clause 14 (liability)shall continue notwithstanding such termination.
17. Assignment:
a. Any services provided by us under these terms and conditions are personal to you and cannot be transferred or assigned to any other person.
b. We shall be entitled to assign these terms and conditions to any other entity without prior notice to you.
Thus, the Institute may assign, transfer, sub-contract any of our rights or
obligations to any third party at our discretion.
18. Entire Agreement:
a. These terms and conditions, together with the website disclaimer, terms and conditions as set forth in the prospectus and course-specific terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede any prior agreements and arrangements, whether written or oral. You confirm that you have not relied on any representations in entering into these and any other terms and conditions with us.
19. Law and Jurisdiction:
a. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India.
b. In case of any dispute, arising out of the present Terms & Conditions of the Agreement, the Courts at Hyderabad shall have exclusive jurisdiction and the parties hereby submit themselves to the jurisdiction of such Courts and/or Tribunals.
c. Now, THEREFORE, and in consideration of the mutual promises, terms, and conditions stated herein, the parties do now AGREE as follows:
20. By reading the aforementioned terms and conditions, the Student explicitly agrees that he/ she has understood these terms and conditions relating to admission to the Institute including terms & conditions as detailed in the prospectus, application form, student guidelines, rules & regulations of the Institute (copies of which can also be accessed at the Institute’s website at and agree to abide by it and is bound by it. Any deficiency in the registration/admission process will not be taken as an excuse for not abiding to the terms and conditions relating to admission/ payment of fees/refund/usage of student name by the institute etc.
Further, the Student also declares and undertakes that he/ she has read and understood the aforesaid ' Student Guidelines’ and will strictly adhere to the same at all times. The student further agrees that he/ she will fully comply with all decisions made by the Institute with regard to the above procedures and understands that the same will not be subject to any review under any circumstances.
22.I, hereby, agree to the Terms& Conditions of M/s. CivicCentre Coaching Academy LLP.
TSPSC Group-1 2024 Prelims Examination | Keys & Explanations

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APPSC Group-2 Screening Test 2024_Reflections

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APPSC Group 1 Prelims Examination | Questions Reflected

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TSPSC Group-1 Prelims 2023 - Reflected Questions

75/150 Questions Reflected from CivicCentre Test Series

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  • Date: 11.06.2022
  • Method: Reverse Engineering Technique
TSPSC Group-1 Prelims 2023 Exam - Key | 11-06-2023

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APPSC Group-1 Mains 2023 | 53 Questions Reflected

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  • Paper-I : 05
  • Paper-II : 16
  • Paper-III : 12
  • Paper-IV : 11
  • Paper-V : 09

TSPSC | Group-I | Prelims Reflected Questions
79/150 Qs reflected from CivicCentre